Job Description Full-time, 40 hours per week – Duty station: Astana, Kazakhstan Deadline for application: Currently there is no specific date, but we encourage interested applicants to apply at their earliest convenience, because very limited amount of unused budget funds can be transferred to the next year. Furthermore, early application will likely get more attention. Project tile: B uckling- r esistant double- & multi-layered shells with complex topologies for a erospace and land ve hicles (BRAVE) Project description: The BRAVE research programme will run between Jan 2024 and Dec 2026. The research topic lies at the intersection of computational mechanics, mechanics-based design, and (composite) materials. The research team aims to employ a new multifunctional egg-crate sandwich structural architecture for the design of complex and curved shell structures, with application to aerospace and high-speed rail engineering. The analysis results will be experimentally verified by high-speed dynamics experiments on a multi-DOF dynamic testing apparatus that will be designed under the same programme. The main FE computational platform for the composite structures will be Abaqus, supported by ANSYS or OpenFoam CFD for aeroelastic simulations. The research is targeting high-performance lightweight thin shell structures, incl. aircraft load bearing structures (wings, fuselage, winglets, floors and panels), rail carriage load bearing structures, rocket and satellite load bearing structures (frame, floors and panels) etc. There are 4 main objectives: CAD and CAE parametric definition of the geometry of egg-crate composite structures (Solidworks/ Rhino/ CATIA, Abaqus). Creation of automated geometry generator algorithms and scripts. Simulation of the structural deflections and stresses under static and dynamic conditions (Abaqus), as well as of full aeroelastic problems (ANSYS/ OpenFoam). Design and development of multi-DOF test bed for replicating complex and transient load conditions (system in the loop), and Fabrication of composite specimens for experimentally verifying and testing the analysis results and for technology demonstration (fibre-optic embedded sensing, laser vibrometry, high-speed photoelasticity) Vacancy description: As a successful applicant, you will join Nazarbayev University as a full time Research Assistant. You may also be required to spend specific periods of time at the School of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo, China, for fabrication of composite specimens and execution of tests. You will work closely with the research team on the geometrical and mechanical modelling of the investigated complex shell and sandwich geometries, also in consideration of complex external (and aeroelastic) loads. Knowledge of fundamental and computational mechanics and strong analytical and programming (scripting) skills are necessary for the position. In addition, you should be self-motivated and be able to integrate with a team of well-established researchers. Applicants for postdoctoral researcher position should have a PhD qualification in a related field in engineering, physics or applied mathematics. Contracts for postdoctoral researchers range between 3 months (minimum) to 3 years (maximum), depending on performance. January 2025 update: Currently, we are looking to fill in research position of a theoretical computational mechanist experienced in finite element analysis. After successful completion of the BRAVE programme, the recruited applicant(s) will be considered as a matter of priority for follow-up research projects by the BRAVE partners at the University of Nottingham in Ningbo China and/ or the BRAVE European partners. Required qualifications, skills & competencies for a postdoctoral level researcher: A PhD degree in engineering, physics or applied mathematics. Excellent knowledge of topics pertaining to analytical and computational mechanics, machine dynamics, and related publication record. Strong mathematical background. Competent knowledge of structural FEA and CFD. Good programming skills (CAD scripting, FEA scripting). Fluent in oral and written communication in English. Competent academic writing. Desirable skills and/or experience Good knowledge of Computer Aided Design packages (e.g., Solidworks/ Rhino), with emphasis on parametric modelling of complex forms. Good knowledge of Computer Aided Engineering packages (e.g., Abaqus, ANSYS/ OpenFoam). Machine design/ mechanical design Composites manufacturing and characterisation Structural testing and experimental characterisation of dynamical systems A consideration will be also given to candidates, BSc and MSc degree holders, for research assistant positions and to candidates wishing to get admitted into a program leading to MSc or PhD degree at NU University, the University of Nottingham in Ningbo China and/or the BRAVE European university partners. Salary for a postdoctoral level researcher, PhD degree holder: 2000 - 2500 USD/month paid in local currency before taxation depending on qualifications, performance and budget. Salary for a research assistant, MSc degree holder: Up to 1000 USD/month paid in local currency before taxation depending on qualifications, performance and budget. Salary for a research assistant, BSc degree holder: Up to 500 USD/month paid in local currency before taxation depending on qualifications, performance and budget. Benefits: Modern campus facilities, in-house access to high performance computing cluster and microfabrication facilities, high speed camera, optical polariscope (reflective), SEM etc microstructural characterisation equipment, flexible working hours, low tax rate. Supervision: Within this support and guidance framework by the project’s PI and Co-PIs, a great degree of independence, within the programme objectives, will be offered. The successful candidate will be integrated into a larger international research team spanning the locations of Astana, Kazakhstan, and Ningbo, China, comprising mechanical and materials engineers, physicists, mathematicians, and chemical engineers. Application: Please submit a full CV/Resume and a motivation letter (which would explain how relevant your expertise is to this project) to Dr. Andrey Melnikov (
[email protected] ) clearly indicating your relevant qualifications and aspirations. Please, also submit your application via smart recruiters web site. Reference letters (2) are not required at this stage of application, but they can be an asset. Array