Работа маляр 4 5 разряда Казахстан. ⚡ Найдено 30126 вакансий

  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Мангистау 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Тараз 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Семей 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Уральск 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Туркестан 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Шымкент 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Усть-Каменогорск 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Астана 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Алматы 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Кокшетау 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Караганда 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Кызылорда 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine

    Nazarbayev University Казахстан, Костанай 11 дней назад
    ... the available equipment and reagents; 4. To ensure following of the safety rules in laboratories; 5. To brief on the safe ... -work and independent work skills; 4. Problem-solving ability; 5. Fluent in English, Kazakh and ...
  • Бухгалтер-экономист

    от 200000 KZT
    KazCert International Казахстан, село Мангистау 11 дней назад
    ... себестоимости продукции, работ, услуг. 2.4. Составление бюджетов, планов и прогнозов финансово-хозяйственной деятельности. 2.5. Контроль за исполнением бюджета и ... и подготовка рекомендаций. Требования: 1.5. Бухгалтер-экономист должен знать: законодательные ...
  • Ассистент врача-стоматолога

    от 180000 до 200000 KZT
    Denta Class Казахстан, Алматы, улица Наурызбай батыра, 127блок4 11 дней назад
    ... работы: 4 3, пн, ср, пт, сб с 9:30 до 19:00Вт, чт, вс выходные дни.Бонусы за панорамный и 3д рентген снимок• Минимальная стажировка: при опыте от 2 лет — всего 3 дняЕсли нет опыта, стажировка 5 днейНе упустите ...
  • Сатылымдар жөніндегі жетекші менеджері/Ведущий менеджер по продажам

    от 300000 KZT
    ForteBank Казахстан, Алматы 11 дней назад
    ... ; Қазақстанның ТОП-5 жетекші банктерінің қатарына кіреді; Банк қ ... ; входит в ТОП-5 ведущих банков Казахстана; более 20 лет на рынке банковских услуг; около 4 000 сотрудников; 20 филиалов по ... эффективность. График работы 5 2 в комфортном офисе; Жизнь ...
  • Региональный представитель по городу Атырау

    от 500000 KZT
    IDEAL Plintus Qazaqstan Казахстан, Атырау 11 дней назад
    ... регионе с учетом местной специфики. 5. Беспрерывное проведение обучения в регионах, ... ведения переговоров;3. Деловой этикет;4. Основы составления отчетности, сроки и порядок предоставления отчетов;5. Процедуру и условия заключения коммерческих ...
  • Специалист по продаже лифтового оборудования OTIS

    от 200000 до 300000 KZT
    Lift Capital Казахстан, Атырау 11 дней назад
    ... заказами и заключенными договорами; 3.4. осуществлять прием и обработку заказов клиентов, оформлять необходимые документы; 3.5. выяснять потребности клиентов в продукции, ... руководства Компании. Требования: 1.5. специалист по продажам должен знать: - ...
  • English teacher (Moderator)

    от 120000 до 240000 KZT
    English Zone Almaty Казахстан, Алматы, проспект Назарбаева, 220/3 11 дней назад
    ... 12 years of experience and 4 branches across Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. ... Work Schedule: Monday to Friday, 4-5 classes per day + Saturday activities. Available shifts: Morning (9:10 AM - 4:00 PM) Morning (9.10- ...
  • Менеджер по оптовым продажам

    от 300000 до 600000 KZT
    ECO PALLETY.KZ Казахстан, Алматинская область 12 дней назад
    ... поиск выгодных условий для клиентов. 4.Работа с логистикой и складом • ... компаниями для организации доставки. 5.Финансовый контроль •Контроль оплат от ... задолженностью и контроля оплат. 5. Организованность и самостоятельность • Умение планировать ...