Работа trainee direito Казахстан. ⚡ Найдено 66 вакансий

  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Караганда 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Шымкент 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Астана 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Алматы 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Актобе 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...
  • Automated Testing in JavaScript Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Атырау 26 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in JavaScript, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by- ...