Работа kitchen assistant with accomodation Казахстан. ⚡ Найдено 150 вакансий
Менеджер по звонкам в студию балета
от 100000 до 350000 KZT
Криштоп и К
Казахстан, Атырау
2 дня назад
... , Управляющий магазином,Sales Manager, Sales Assistant, Ресепшионист, Менеджер по работе с ...
Audit Senior / Старший аудитор
Crowe Audit KZ
Казахстан, Алматы
2 дня назад
... ? As a Senior External Audit Assistant in our friendly, close-knit ...
Sales Team Assistant - Ассистент отдела продаж
от 800 до 900 USD
Казахстан, Алматы
2 дня назад
Общее описание должности: Экспомобилити ищет эксперта для поддержки отдела продаж (офис в Алматы) и активной поддержки небольших клиентов (в потенциале - после получения соответствующего опыта в поддержке отдела продаж). Кандидаты должны иметь опыт работы ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Атырау
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Актау
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Павлодар
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Мангистау
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Тараз
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Семей
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Уральск
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Туркестан
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Шымкент
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Усть-Каменогорск
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Астана
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Алматы
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Кокшетау
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Караганда
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Laboratory Assistant of the School of Medicine
Nazarbayev University
Казахстан, Кызылорда
2 дня назад
(temporary replacement) Nazarbayev University School of Medicine, established in 2015, has been developed in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and offers a US-style curriculum taught in English. Our mission is to educate a ...
Project manager and assistant to IT department head (IT Department - commercial bank)
Торгово-промышленный Банк Китая в городе Алматы ICBC
Казахстан, Алматы
3 дня назад
Responsibilities: To act as bridge between development team of IT Department and initiators; Explain in IT language all demands to the developers and coordinate all works related to the realization of the projects; Support IT Department Head with work- ...
Site Engineer/Project Control Manager/Acceptance Assistant
Bolashak Atyrau
Казахстан, Алматы
3 дня назад
Сайт Инженер : Сайт-инженер является владельцем сайта и контролирует весь цикл реализации сайта. Управляйте доступом к объектам, заранее выявляйте проблемные сайты и привлекайте отдел аренды клиента к решению проблем. Нести ответственность за запросы ...