Работа fresher trainee Казахстан. ⚡ Найдено 59 вакансий

  • Data Software Engineering Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Алматы 7 дней назад
    Details If you have strong Python programming skills and want to start a career in Data Software Engineering (prev. Big Data), then this program is what you need. Our learning path includes two stages, offering you a step-by-step approach to gaining in- ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Астана 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Караганда 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Data Software Engineering Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Астана 7 дней назад
    Details If you have strong Python programming skills and want to start a career in Data Software Engineering (prev. Big Data), then this program is what you need. Our learning path includes two stages, offering you a step-by-step approach to gaining in- ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Алматы 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Атырау 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Data Software Engineering Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Атырау 7 дней назад
    Details If you have strong Python programming skills and want to start a career in Data Software Engineering (prev. Big Data), then this program is what you need. Our learning path includes two stages, offering you a step-by-step approach to gaining in- ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Шымкент 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Automated Testing in Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Актобе 7 дней назад
    Details If you have basic programming skills in Java, understand testing processes and aspire to shape your career in test automation, then this expert-led program is what you need. Our learning path includes several stages, offering you a step-by-step ...
  • Data Software Engineering Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Актобе 7 дней назад
    Details If you have strong Python programming skills and want to start a career in Data Software Engineering (prev. Big Data), then this program is what you need. Our learning path includes two stages, offering you a step-by-step approach to gaining in- ...
  • Android Trainee

    Andersen Казахстан, Астана 10 дней назад
    Международная компания Andersen, один из лидеров рынка outsource production, проводит набор на стажировку по направлению Android с последующим трудоустройством в Казахстане (в офисе: Алматы или Казахстан remote). Компания Andersen заинтересована в скором ...
  • Level Designer Trainee

    Playrix Казахстан, Алматы 10 дней назад
    Playrix — одна из самых успешных компаний по разработке мобильных игр в мире. По доходам входим в топ-3 и первые по доходам среди всех мобильных приложений в EMEA. Наши игры установили 2,3 миллиарда раз (треть населения Земли), каждый день в них играет ...
  • Level Designer Trainee

    Playrix Казахстан, Астана 10 дней назад
    Playrix — одна из самых успешных компаний по разработке мобильных игр в мире. По доходам входим в топ-3 и первые по доходам среди всех мобильных приложений в EMEA. Наши игры установили 2,3 миллиарда раз (треть населения Земли), каждый день в них играет ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Алматы месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Астана месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Караганда месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Шымкент месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Атырау месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...
  • Java Trainee

    Epam Kazakhstan (Эпам Казахстан),ТОО Казахстан, Актау месяц назад
    Details If you are proficient in Java Core and want to elevate your skills to use top-notch web technologies, then this expert-led program is what you need. By participating, you will have the opportunity to: Learn to create basic web applications and ...