Работа Аудитор Казахстан. ⚡ Найдено 230 вакансий в Казахстане

  • Помощник бухгалтера

    от 100000 до 120000 KZT
    CAPEX Казахстан, Павлодар 25 дней назад
    Внимание! Компания Romantic занимает одну из лидирующих позиции в Республике Казахстан в области продаж свежих срезанных цветов, горшечных растений и сопутствующих товаров. В связи с открытием розничного магазина в г. ПАВЛОДАР мы приглашаем в свою команду помощника бухгалтера. Вы станете частью кома...
  • Junior IT Auditor (Consultant)

    KPMG Казахстан, Астана 26 дней назад
    In today's world, all businesses become deeply depend on IT systems in operational, HR, IT, and financial processes. This fact requires increasing attention to IT risk management and implementation of effective IT internal controls. As an IT auditor, you will: Work with financial auditors on financ...
  • Junior IT Auditor (Consultant)

    KPMG Казахстан, Алматы 26 дней назад
    In today's world, all businesses become deeply depend on IT systems in operational, HR, IT, and financial processes. This fact requires increasing attention to IT risk management and implementation of effective IT internal controls. As an IT auditor, you will: Work with financial auditors on financ...
  • Senior IT Auditor (Almaty/Astana)

    KPMG Казахстан, Астана 26 дней назад
    Responsibilities: Organizations depend on IT for complete and accurate financial reporting and external auditors, in their turn, rely on IT systems and controls for an efficient and effective audit. KPMG’s information risk management team (IRM team) work with the following parties to help them achi...
  • Senior IT Auditor (Almaty/Astana)

    KPMG Казахстан, Алматы 26 дней назад
    Responsibilities: Organizations depend on IT for complete and accurate financial reporting and external auditors, in their turn, rely on IT systems and controls for an efficient and effective audit. KPMG’s information risk management team (IRM team) work with the following parties to help them achi...
  • Старший налоговый консультант

    RSM Qazaqstan Казахстан, Алматы 27 дней назад
    Обязанности: Участие в различных налоговых проектах, включая: консультирование по вопросам налогового законодательства Казахстана и международного налогообложения для клиентов из различных индустрий проверка налоговых деклараций клиентов для обеспечения их точности налоговый обзор налоговый TaxТ...
  • Financial Controller

    FYST , Almaty, месяц назад
    WHAT YOU'LL BE WORKING ON Period Closing & PnL Preparation: ensure timely and accurate period closure and prepare consolidated PnL and BS for a group of companies, providing monthly reports as required. Budget Preparation & Analysis: create budgets, conduct monthly budget-to-actual variance analysis...
  • Аудитор Службы внутреннего аудита

    Nazarbayev University , Astana, месяц назад
    Описание вакансии На Аудитора возлагаются следующие обязанности и функции, связанные с участием в содействии Попечительскому совету, Комитету по аудиту, Управляющему совету в достижении Университетом стратегических целей, направленных на создание модели интеграции образования, науки и производства,
  • Ішкі аудит қызметінің аудиторы

    Nazarbayev University , Astana, месяц назад
    Описание вакансии Аудиторға Қамқоршылық кеңеске, Аудит жөніндегі комитетке, Басқарушы кеңеске Университеттің білім, ғылым және өндірісті интеграциялау моделін құруға бағытталған стратегиялық мақсаттарға қол жеткізуіне, тәуелсіз және объективті консультациялар беру жолымен жәрдемдесуге қатысуға байла...
  • Auditor of the Internal Audit Service

    Nazarbayev University , Astana, месяц назад
    Job Description   Auditor is assigned with the following duties and functions associated with participation in promoting the Board of Trustees, Audit Committee, and the Managing Council in achieving the University's strategic goals aimed at creating a model for integrating education, science and pro...